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Web Game Review – Pixel

July 25, 2009 1 comment

Pixel is your standard Asteroids for 2009. Except, now we need power-ups, level-ups, and bonuses.

Pixel was created by and Hero Interactive. Hero Interactive has developed another fun game called bubble tanks and bubble tanks 2.
The gameplay of Pixel is very similiar to that of Asteroids. You control 1 unit, top down view, and you shoot around you to destroy your enemies. The twist? When you destroy each enemy, they explode into pixels. The amount of pixels depends on how tough the enemy is.
The pixels you collect are power, XP, and HP. As your collect the pixels your HP in the top lext corner goes up. The XP on the bottom of the screen also goes up.
The twist?
You shoot pixels too, those pixels are your HP. The more you shoot at nothing, the faster your HP goes down. Luckily those badguys explode into TONS of pixels. The pixels from the bad guys fill your HP and XP.
As your XP bar at the bottom fills you are able to shoot more pixels at the same time.

Oh yea, I forget! When you pick up the fallen pixels from your enemies, your ship automatically shoots pixels. Sometimes it shoots from the front, back, both, sides … this all depends on which ship you chose.

Pixel is a fun web game. I didn’t get annoyed or angry at it. The first time took me about 15- 20 minutes to complete the game. Beating the game unlocks more advances ships that level up faster or shoot more pixels. The second time a played it through i used the BubbleTank ship. It took me about 4 or 5 minutes.

Thanks for reading. Keep checking back to read mine, cole’s, or bayless’ entries.
Oh yea, and don’t forget to…

Play Pixel on Kongregate

Categories: Uncategorized

Hello world!

July 23, 2009 1 comment

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!

Categories: Uncategorized